It’s been a long, difficult trip but after about 20 hours in the air and many more in airports and lineups, we’ve made it. It’s day two and we are slowly but surely settling in and beginning to accept it here as our new home for the next couple weeks.
The journey began in Toronto Pearson International Airport where the twelve of us met, unable to contain our excitement. After saying goodbye to our families and checking in it finally hit many of us that we were on our way to India. A few hours later, we boarded our first flight of many and settled into the cramped cabin of a Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt. After many walks up and down the aisles in attempts to stretch our legs, we landed in Germany and prepared for the next leg of the trip.
Three hours later, the second flight took off and headed towards Chennai, India. For us, it was a chance to catch up on some much needed sleep and we found ourselves quickly landing nine hours later in India. Upon arrival, we realized that it was no longer winter where we were and at one in the morning it was upwards of thirty degrees. After collecting our twenty four, massive duffle bags we exited the airport and entered a whole new world of sights, smells and traffic.
Our first impressions of the country were that of amazement, wonder and excitement…even at two in the morning. The city was bustling and alive and there were no signs of it slowing down any time soon. There were horns honking and people screaming. We couldn’t have been happier. After causing minor gridlock in the parking lot thanks to all of our luggage, we separated into taxis and made way to the Trident Hilton hotel. During the drive there we received a brief lesson on Indian life and culture. The drivers honk at nothing, drive on both sides of the road and maintain good humour and a friendly face at all times.
The hotel was spectacular. The staff were friendly the food was fantastic. We all had very comfortable sleeps and awoke to a beautiful morning of swimming, Frisbee and tanning. We knew it would be our last few hours of luxuries so we took full advantage. Our last leg of the trip to FFC began at 10am with a one hour flight to Coimbatore. This was the most comfortable flight so far being on Jet Airways. We all had our own personal TVs and the meal of Indian chicken or vegetables was the best plane food any of us had ever tasted.
We landed in Coimbatore and piled into a van that didn’t have enough seats (Max Levitt graciously sat on the hard wood floor) and ended the journey as we rolled into York House, our final destination…at least for the next nine days. We received a tour of the orphanage which was split into four sections (older and younger, girls and boys) spread out within walking distance across the small town. We were surprised at the living conditions and amazed at the self sustaining abilities of FFC and how happy the children and staff all manage to be. We have so far had two meals here, both consisting of delicious authentic Indian food (as well as some peanut butter).
Our first night at York House was interesting. The accommodations we have are small and we are supplied with little more than basic necessities. We have so far found it to be very livable however and look forward to spending the next little while there. We were all extremely tired and landed fast asleep onto our cots before 10:00. Later we found ourselves awake later on that night between 3am and 5am eating pomegranate seeds and taking in the Indian sunrise. Hopefully tonight we’ll be able to stay up a bit later and get onto a more normal schedule.
Today we were expecting to receive the remainder of our luggage (we so far have been living out of carry ons) as well as the 600lbs worth of donations. We learnt, to our despair that the bus transporting the bags from Chennai had in fact broken down about 150km away from us but the specific location was unknown. This to say the least had us slightly frightened and frustrated. Minutes ago however we learnt that the bus has been fixed and, knock wood, our bags are on their way and we will receive tonight.
More details on our experiences to come,
Matt, Josh, Harry
Saturday, March 1, 2008
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Working at the carwash...

Working hard

Retreat at Brickell's Cottage

That was a gripping narrative and it's not quite 7am but I'd like some of that chicken.
Wow!! What an experience!! We are so excited to follow you on this journey and live it with you and through you, even from halfway across the world! Hope you received your luggage. Keep up the blog! How exciting...enjoy every minute!!!
p.s. For any of the travellers reading this, please tell Josh to check his email for prefect application from Mr. Mitchell due March 5th!!!
Kim writes:
Hi Carlz
Geat to follow your exciting journey. How different from the clean white landscape which you left just a few days ago!!! I love the photo of the cart with the coclourful wicker baskets.
We miss you and will try to relate to your adventures from Tabla restaurant, where some of the parents of our travellers will be tonight.
WOW- what a wonderful way to start the day, reading of your adventures to date. The photos of you and the children are wonderful and I expect you'll form amazing bonds with these children- so take lots of pictures. Can't wait to read more... about everything- the food, smells, sights, FCC.
On a sports note, you'll be proud to know that the U14 boys basketball team WON the championship ysterday by 2 points in overtime!!! The U12 boys won the consolation championship over UCC(yay). Don't know how the Junior team did.
Have a wonderful day/night and hope to read more soon.
Now the jealousy really begins!
Wow guys! Congratulations on your safe arrival! You made it in much better time than we did it seems! I love the picture of you guys walking with your water bottles! haha They'll never leave your site!
Strangely enough I miss my cot!
Anyways all your pictures are amazing!
Hope you were able to find all my girls with the pictures!
Can't wait to keep reading and bringing back the memories!
You must get the kitchen staff to make you my favourite thing... its swirly bread... i'm pretty sure its called Parota.
It was amazing! I almost cried when there were mornings that they didn't make it!
enjoy! the food is awesome!
Give a big hug to Sunbeam and Kaliany for me! By now you have probably met the incredible staff at FFC and have had several kids tugging at your shorts and giving you big smiles. If you meet Mutu (older girl) tell her I say hello and send my best.
Keep the pics and stories coming.
Thanks for the great update and pictures. It sounds like you are having an incredible experience. We just got back from dinner at Tabla - organized by Kim for whoever of the 'india trip' family members that were available. We toasted all of you. Wonder whose dinner was better - ours or yours(the real thing)?!?!?!
Loren, we all miss you - especially Buster who is in withdrawal from not getting any treats from you.
Keep writing on the Blog - we love reading all about your life at FFC.
It seems like you've managed to make it there in once piece. However, your poor luggage has taken a side trip. It's okay, just more dirt accumulation on the luggage. And heck, if it doesn't arrive...go shopping!
Keep writing when you can. I look forward to seeing evidence of a tan.
Kim, (wide awake at 1 a.m.)says:
Hi Gang
Any news yet on the luggage?
If it doesn't arrive in one piece you'll have to replace essentials. You must be very hot and uncomfortable.
Keep up the blogging.
We had fun at Tabla last night.
The aromas and spices made us feel more in touch with your experiences.
your first blog from India was terrific and enjoyed by all
keep up the updates
we are checking for them
the zemans-gelgoots
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