Watch out boys, the girls are blogging now.
It's time for our sweet, sweet revenge.
First to set the record straight, our 'guns' are much larger than Max Levitt's will ever be. To add to this, we persevered and stuck out the smell and washed the boys' boxers. It was definitely the 'thorn' of the day....besides being peed (Erin) and peed/pooed (Carly) on by the least their cute (by the way, Naomi, Kim and Debs were each bringing one home).
To add to our new list of talents, we are EXCELLENT book sorters and dusters (don't worry Kim & MarkyMark, Carly has only had one asthma far).
Right now, the little girls are banging on the window for us to come out and play with them. They've each chosen one of us to get attached to and have brought us various presents, such as bracelets, bindis and pictures of their fav 'supastar': Vijay. We love hanging out with them.
When the girls are at school, we play with the babies and toddlers. The babies are too cute and the toddlers just want to be held...a good workout for our MASSIVE muscles. Our work is DEFINITELY harder than the boys (and Katie) who are just breaking down a wall. We took the babies up to the roof so they could get some sun. Some of the babies had physical or mental handicaps that were at times hard to see...but we still had a lot of fun with them and they are so happy.
Yesterday, we sorted our 600 pounds of donations and distributed it to the different kindergarten classes, the library etc... Today, Mr. Brickell and Ms. Prevedello had a meeting with Sunbeam about where our $7000CAD - aka 300,000 rupees would be donated. So far, it has been decided to go towards new playground equipment for the special care kids, medical care, a new wall, toques (for all the cold weather??) and rain hats.
The key to our apartment is lost.
Hopefully, our bags won't be stolen...
p.s. we have a new key...don't worry too much Marla.
-Loren, Carly & Erin.
SHOUTOUT TO plane letter...awkward.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
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Working at the carwash...

Working hard

Retreat at Brickell's Cottage

way to go girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kim says:
I am so proud of all of you!!!! - your work has far reaching implications for infant mental health. When you touch, play and sing to babies, you stimulate healthy emotional and physical growth. (sorry for the imprecise neurological explanation, Ms. Ginn)
We admire all of you!!!!!
Sorry I missed your call Carly-the nurse was giving me an allergy shot as he phone rang so I ignored it.
Glad to hear that is has been such a good experience. I'll have to now go to an Indian buffet for lunch.
Do you want grammar comments or not? (hint: Their calling for more snow tonight!!!!) ;)
Wow guys! As if the blog wasn't enough, the pictures bring back such memories! They're all amazing, especially the picture of Carly and Katie with the babies outside... Brama is an incredible baby!
And say hi to everyone from me!
(mostly the older girls!)
you go girls!
so cool to see and hear your great spirits! the kids look so happy to be hugged..hey, are you bringing me one too? what did you mean by "don't worry marla"? the only worry I would have is laundry kp!!
anyhow, you all look happy and gorgeous in your saris and in your element!
he men of steel...
keep chugging, you're looking tres
cut and sweaty...maybe a calendar for next years fundraising would be prime to shoot in the indian scenery, shirts off, hard at work, hardly working, you know!!
seriously, your writing is so good! whitty and funny and so very alive...I think all the parent folk actually feel the amazing gift you have given us!! Really,
embarrassed though I am, I have to admit I had a huge pang of envy when I realized you were superceding (help, spell check!)
me in my adventures and travel...
but truly this actually feels amazing, living it through your eyes is something I could never have done without you!!
Keep enjoying every weird and wonderful second...the blog is fabulous...
all good things, Marla.
ps. Max, the Urt sends his love....
Hey Max!! India sounds amazing! I think you might need to build another wall so the girls don't get bigger "guns" than you! I'd like to see that! Dad called. He says hi. See you in 2 ans a bit weeks.
love ya,
(p.s. L.A. in 2 days!!)(I'm sure you really care)(P.P.S. You are so mean! i CAN'T believe that you make the girls wash your laundry! I wouldn't even do that and I'm your sister!!)
Hi Josh-its Jillian and Allie,
We miss you tons. We love the pictures.
Buddy was sleeping in your bed waiting for you to come home. Are you having fun? We love you. xoxo
Great message girls!! Keep it coming! LOVE the pictures, love the commentary. Josh always enjoyed diaper duty when his sister was a baby, so make sure he gets some hands on experience.
You should all be so proud of yourselves. Your work is admirable, and you all look as though you are so comfortable in your surroundings.
Enjoy every second!!
Carly, Erin and Loren!
Sweet...shout-outs on the India blog!
Excuse any errors in grammar in the plane letter, it was late..Glad you enjoyed it though. Hope you got a good laugh out of it.
You guys look like you're having a really great time and that you're experiencing everything.
I await your next update!
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