We write this with permanent paint on our feet and turpentine in our nose. We've probably lost too many brain cells at this point (oil-based paint... illegal?) so please excuse any weirdness although it's hard to beat the last blog entry.
Our dream (which actually happened) was to paint a mural in the older girls' room. Katie planned a - Carly says "beautiful," Katie says "oh you... stop," - design of a kind of sun/moon/solar system type thing (see pics). The first step of this process was to go get the potentially illegal paint. Loren, Katie and Jim Daddy booked it in a rickshaw (venturing out form?) to the paint store and loaded up on some primary colours. We enjoyed the pictures of "Infant Jesus" plastered all over the rickshaw. Nice. Next, we returned to FFC setting up by sketching the design on the wall. Matt supervised (Working hard... hardly working). Erin got peed on again (unlucky) yet perservered to pop in with Carly to lend a helping hand in the messy paint process. Although Katie is very talented... Maury/Moory/Mahry/Mary (one of the older girls who was very... erm... enthused about the project) thought differently and always offered her opinion when (not) asked. She has a good heart... albeit questionable colour sense. She painted a nice one on the wall. Things intensified as Loren gracefully knocked a can of blood-like red paint over and we stepped on palettes one too many times. Feet covered in paint, we are having a turpentine pedicure tonight. We smell more like turpentine than curry. This is where the true magic we've been practising lies.
All this being said, the older girls loved our paint job and truly appreciated the mural, as it was their idea in the first place. We loved spicing up the mint green room.
But lets get to the climax of the story. Josh Wynn painted the word "Families" on a white sign. It took all day... truly excrutiating (to hear about.) Breaking News. Quote on Quote. "It was probably the hardest work I've done this whole trip." - Josh Wynn. We clarify, this is NOT sarcasm. His current reply "Damn broads." Happy International Womens' Day tomorrow!!
Needless to say, we're excited for the celebration of International "Broads" Day tomorrow. We're happy that all of our paint projects are finished and lookin' good.
Our humour's all up. Peace. We send our love. Especially Josh for the equality of both genders - men... and broads.
- Carly, Erin, Loren and Katie (Matt and Josh for their manly supervision.)
Friday, March 7, 2008
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Working at the carwash...

Working hard

Retreat at Brickell's Cottage

I would like to clear something up. I respect all the young women on this trip. They do great work. But seriously, I am a good guy, and a hard worker. You try to make a sign without stencils. Which just arrived, right on time, just on the wrong day. Have a happy womens day,"I am woman hear me roar"-Helen Reddy lol I've never heard of her. Sounds good though doesnt it??
-Respectfully yours - Wynn
Glad that you are all maintaing your sense of humour - happy international women's day to all!
you certainly have a gret contingent of women on the trip to make helen reddy proud!
enjoy the wedding and send photos and details
The mural looks absolutely amazing guys!
It's also great to see that little Sarika (sp?) is going to school!
Miss you to bits K-Cons!
Great job girls, and Josh! Noticibly (sp?) absent from todays blog entry and photos is young Harry- is he still with you? Or was he in the kitchen preparing something special for the International Women's Day festivities?
You're about to miss yet another major snow storm that will result in people having horrible delays leaving town tonight and tomorrow. bring back some chicken curry!
Dearest Women of India, Happy International Women's Day! For the record, Josh did not learn the word "broads" in this household. For shame. Yes, Josh, you are a very hard worker and a good guy...good boy (says Buddy). The daily blog makes my day, and I have to say I am highly impressed by the literary prowess of everyone!! Yesterday's blog (Jim and Barb) was fabulous. For all those girls who use O.P.I. nail polish, the new line for Spring is India!!! My elephantastic pink polish is in honour of you all.
Great entry! Loren, was that you who knocked over the blood red paint can??? I know, just another 'Loren Cohen' moment... Sorry we had such a bad phone connection today. Your father filled me in from last night's call.
The mural looks fantastic - a great idea. Amazing what a bunch of 'broads' can do.
Sounds like you are all doing terrific things there. We are so very impressed and proud.
Hey Katie and the rest. It looks like you're having a great time and I really liked the mural judging on the pictures. Good job!
Kim says:
So nice to hear your cheerful voice, Carls.
Granny is worried about the baby that has no eyes and arms. Can the baby be seen in one of the hospitals/clinics in India?
Glad you like the pomegranites and
the cheese bread. Your visit to the Buddhist temple sounds surreal and beautiful. Must dash to get greoceries before another winter storm hits us.
The mural is beautiful!
love you lots,
Mom and dad
The mural plan is beautiful and the painting of it very well done. The sign clearly required exacting and careful work (with no stencils). Good job also on the fencing.
Keep up your great efforts everyone.
I keep hearing about how good the food is - so you're not subsisting on PB&J.
Would love to hear more about the children.
The mural plan is beautiful and the painting of it artfully done.
The sign clearly was done with exacting effort (without stencils).
Good job also on the fencing.
I am sure all your efforts and hard work are appreciated. Would love to hear more about the children.
I keep hearing about the great food - so glad you are not subsisting on PB&J.
Woops, clearly new at this: two entries for the price of one. Thought the first one got deleted
and started over.
P(accidental paint spillage)=P(Loren is involved)+P(bright red paint)
P(Erin getting peed on)=P(Erin being there) + P(holding a small child)
P(Carly has paint on her feet)=P(Loren spilled paint)*P(Carly was busy laughing at Erin's unfortunate pee mishap)
That is the most beautiful mural, and signage is art, too... you re all working so hard and giving so much, those children will miss you when you go on your next week's adventure. We had a peek on the web at the places you'll be staying - oooh looks luxurious! It's so good to see your lovely faces in the pictures, looking forward to lots more.
The mural is amazing and so are you!!!
Coulter would be proud Katie <3
Hey Women of the World...Happy B Day...(B for Broadminded, Babiliscious, etc.
from the LA babes...
Having THE most girlie superficial time to provide a balance to your spiritual meaningful existence: hope you appreciate how purely selfless we are, so that you can be in balance with the universe, and keep on having the experience of a lifetime!
Anyhow, Flower keeps having visions of all her favorite stars, and I keep photographing the paparazzi photographing any possible sightings...I haven't quite figured out why they haven't realized that I am tall, blonde and famous, but oh well, a little more shopping on the Isle of Denial will surely make me forget this existential worry that permiate the religious temples
of make believe...
A huge nod from a fellow artist in residence for your awesome mural gals and Mat...
Maca- you seem MIA- donde esta usted?
Get ready for a mondo embarrasing welcome home from Flower at the airport!
Keep enjoying....xoxoxo
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