Tuesday, February 26, 2008

1 thing on my mind

Basically, there are no thoughts right now besides INDIA INDIA INDIA in 41hours.
I don't think I've ever been this excited.
Too bad I have a geo test and soo much more to do for tomorrow, but there is nothing besides me and my Lonely Planet right now.
The plane letters are here, the bags are not packed, and we have 600lbs over donations - who could ask for more?! (besides the clock to go faster)
next post - from INDIA.wow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey guys!
hope you had a safe flight and that you're loving india (especially the heat!- it's snowing here ONCE AGAIN)
Just wanted to make sure you got in safely because you know I wouldn't want to have no blog to read!
Can't wait to hear about your adventures!
xoxo Jess

Working at the carwash...

Working at the carwash...

Working hard

Working hard

Retreat at Brickell's Cottage

Retreat at Brickell's Cottage